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What should I bring for accommodation?

Here's a list of important things you can bring with you for accommodation. However, if you need to leave urgently, you can return to your home with a police escort to retrieve your personal belongings

Starting bag:

  • spare car and house keys;
  • some seasonal clothes for yourself and the children;
  • some cash, ATM card;
  • social security, credit, health insurance cards;
  • regularly taken medications;
  • school books and significant toys for children.

List of important documents:

  • birth certificates: yours, your spouse's, and your children's;
  • marriage contract, will, house purchase contract, lease;
  • passport and/or immigration certificate;
  • health and vaccination books;
  • diplomas, skills books, study certificates;
  • insurance proofs in your and your children's names;
  • receipts, proofs of purchased goods, acquired by contract or bequeathed by will;
  • bank books and driver's license.

Will I be forced to file a complaint or leave my spouse?

No, you can come for accommodation to reflect on your relationship, and any action will be voluntary on your part.

Is there a cost to the accommodation?

No, it's free, but you can make a voluntary contribution.

How long can I stay in accommodation?

It depends on your needs, your steps, and your operation in the house.

Can I bring my pets for accommodation?

Unfortunately no, you will have to think about boarding them with a friend, family or any other person. Mirépi can help you find pension references.

Can I go out, continue my work, or my usual activities?

Of course. However, you will not be able to receive visits in order to maintain the security and confidentiality of our address and the people accommodated.

If I go back with my spouse, can I come back to Mirépi again if I feel the need?

Mirépi's door is wide open to welcome you back without judgment. Indeed, women leave their spouse an average of 5 to 7 times before leaving them permanently.

Who can come to Mirépi shelter house?

Are you experiencing violence from your spouse, family, or a friend? Do you need to take a step back? You no longer have a place to stay? Are you experiencing financial, family, or other difficulties? Mirépi shelter house is here for you.

How do I come for accommodation?

Call 418 337-4811 or 1 800-361-4811, a worker will help you and explain what the resource is and how it works. Upon your arrival, a worker will take the time to welcome you and meet your needs.

What is external follow-up? And what can it offer me?

External monitoring is aimed at women and children who have experienced or who are experiencing domestic and/or family violence and who do not wish or are not yet ready to come to accommodation. Individual meetings tailored to your needs are offered free of charge.

Will my children have to change schools?

Mirépi shelter house tries, as much as possible and considering their safety, to allow your children to keep their school environment to maintain their social network. Agreements with school transporters can be established. Workers will look at everything with you in due course.

Is it possible to continue my shared custody?

Of course, you can maintain what is written in your judgment. The terms for custody exchanges will be assessed with you to maintain both your and your children's safety and the resource's confidentiality.

Do we share our room with other women?

No, each of you has your own room. However, a mother will share her room with her children in a suitable family room.

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