Our pledges to support victims

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Our Mission

To provide women, victims of domestic violence or in distress, with or without children, with a confidential and safe shelter both physically and psychologically, where they will be supported in their journey towards autonomy and regaining personal power.

Our Philosophy, Our Commitment

Mirépi Shelter is a resource offered to women so that they can be supported according to their challenges, respecting their individuality, their values, their skills, and their efforts to regain control over their lives. The women who avail our services commit to respecting our mission, our philosophy, our values, and our modus operandi where collective well-being is prioritized

Our Values

Respect: It's an attitude of consideration towards oneself, people, assets, and ideas.
It's about believing in one's potential, in the potential of women, children, and in the expertise of the resource.
It’s about joining forces with a genuine interest in one’s needs and rights as well as those of others.
It's a bond of commitment between individuals aiming for common goals.
Autonomy and Regaining Power:
It's the ability to choose and act on one's own according to one's own needs.

Our Objective

Our intervention objective is the regaining of power, leading to enhancing the action capacity of women and children.

Our Services

We offer:

  • 24-7 telephone intervention,
  • free medium-term accommodation
  • individual intervention,
  • support in the procedures,
  • group activities,
  • low-cost, longer-term second-stage accommodation,
  • individual post-accommodation monitoring and external monitoring.
  • Awareness raising, conferences and training

Our Complaint Mechanism

If you are dissatisfied with the services received, we invite you to promptly communicate with any of our staff, coordinator, or management to make the necessary corrections. If this step does not satisfy you, we invite you to address the CIUSSS de la Capitale Nationale's complaints and service quality commissioner. You'll be guided on the procedure to follow. Your complaint should include your name, address, phone number, and a brief summary of the reasons and facts surrounding the regrettable event. You will receive an acknowledgment of your complaint. The commissioner has 45 days after receiving your complaint to review it. All gathered information will be recorded in a separate file and treated with complete confidentiality. You can reach them by phone at 418-691-0762.

By email at commissaire.plainte.ciussscn@sss.gouv.qc.ca
By post at Complaints and Service Quality Commissioner CIUSSS de la Capitale Nationale, 2915, avenue du Bourg-Royal, office 3005.1

Contact Information and Opening Hours

Mirépi, shelter,
Open 24/7
Box 5026 St-Raymond, Quebec, G3L 4R8
Intervention telephone:
418-337-4811 / 1-800-361-4811
Administration telephone:

Declaration Adoption Date

Declaration adopted on January 31, 2023, at the board meeting.

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